Sunday, 27 February 2011

Opening Titles Research

Seeing as our film ideas were inspired by the film Superbad (2007), I will be recording when the titles appear on screen using a timeline, and evaluating how useful this research is towards our G321 film opening.

Superbad - Film Opening

For this opening, the titles follow a very traditional sequence that tends to begin with the production companies and distributors, following onto the film title, then comes the main star(s), miscellaneous cast & crew and ends with the film writers and director. This format was used to distinguish the opening from a film trailer.
The titles are not spaced out at all, as one title appears instantly after the last one disappears. This may be due to keeping the opening sequence short and snappy or keeping to a certain time frame.

Although our film opening will not consist of as many credits and titles, I have learnt from this task that timing is vital in the film opening so that titles appear at the right time and remain on screen for the appropriate duration. I have also learnt that if titles come and go too quickly or too slowly, this could affect the pace and atmosphere of the opening in a negative way.